Raven x Harvey 12-05-2022

The puppies from Raaf and Harvey were born on 12/05/2022:

- 2 brown and white males

- 1 Brown and white female

- 1 Blue merle female

- 1 Red merle female



Under the puppies tab you can see what the future breeding plans are

Harvey and Raven are both imported from Norway. They live in our house and the puppies are also raised in our house. Both dogs are very sweet and affectionate, quiet in the house, and like to curl up on the couch in front of the TV in the evening.


When they go outside, a 'switch' turns, time for activity! They both have an enormous will to please. Herding sheep is their biggest hobby for both, we also do hoopers. Harvey has also recently started detection (Level 3), the focus is on detecting gunpowder and flash powder, so fireworks. I expect that the pups from this combination will become eager to work pups that can be used in different kinds of sports.


The puppies are FCI and ISDS registered.